
Jan 15, 2012

Kopi dan Saya

Ok, kopi dan saya adalah pasangan yang tidak serasi. I used to drink a lot of coffee before, tapi lepas kejadian i almost jatuh dalam bilik mandi, i stop drinking it. Tapi sekarang, saya minum lg tapi xsekerap dl la. Mommy pun asyik ingatkn sy jgn minum sgt kopi. Bila minum kopi, tido sy t'gnggu, jantung rs b'debar2, pening, dats why la smpai bleh nk jatuh dalam bilik mandi. ~_~

The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine. Research shows that it is safe to drink one or two cups a day. However, those who exceed this may suffer the negative effects that include difficulty sleeping, headaches, irregular heartbeat, nausea and muscle tension. This may also lead to ulcer or heartburn, which is why experts also advise people to drink moderately.

 Coffee isn't good for:-
  • women who are pregnant  since it could cause birth defects  
  • patients who have heart disease 

  1. Regular intake of coffee can be harmful to people prone to hypertension. The possible side effects of chronic coffee consumption on the cardiovascular system can be blockage of adenosine receptors and the inhibition of phosphodiesterases enzymes.
  2. Coffee has stimulating effects on both the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Although moderate drinkers of coffee experience mental alertness, excessive drinkers of coffee can also have a tranquilizing effect. This generally means that coffee can increase your heart rate, blood pressure, urine production and basal metabolic rate. 
  3. Too much intake of coffee – translated simply into a consumption in excess of three cups per day - can cause difficulty in sleeping, irritability, irregular heartbeats, nausea, muscle tension, ulcers, heartburn and headaches, to name just a few of the perils. 
  4. One of the many side effects of coffee is the increased risk of cancer. Coffee contains carcinogenic substances like aldehydes, sulfides, tannic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These are especially harmful to the liver. 
  5. Excessive consumption of coffee over a period of time can create stomach problems. The chemicals present in the coffee can aggravate the lining of the stomach leading to absorption and digestion problems. It can cause anxiety, vomiting, dehydration and nausea. 
  6. Side-effects of coffee in women, especially those on oral contraceptives, increase their chances of breast cancer. Women who drink coffee by the gallons might even experience a pre-menstrual syndrome more severe than those who do not. 
  7. Coffee, when consumed along with some medications, can cause other health issues, too. People with a history of drug abuse should definitely avoid coffee as it can worsen the addiction due to the presence of caffeine in the brew. 
  8. Pregnant women should keep away from excessive coffee as it can directly affect the fetus. The chances of a miscarriage due to increased coffee consumption have been found to be higher than those from even nicotine and alcohol. It might also increase the danger of fibrocystic breast cancer in women. 
  9. The caffeine present in coffee has a substantial effect on the brain. The brain chemical adenosine has a calming effect on the brain, but when you drink coffee, the brain gets confused by mixed signals, as these chemicals interfere with each other. 
  10. The side effects of coffee on both the genders are the same. Excessive consumption of coffee increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases in both men and women. 
  11. Drinking coffee for a long period of time can result in staining your teeth. It has a similar effect on the teeth like that from nicotine. It can lead to a person developing yellow teeth and cavities especially if s/he consumes coffee with a lot of sugar.

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