
Mar 14, 2009


Lam kul 5.30 ptg td ak bLik fr0m keje..

ak hmpir2 mati kpenatan..:P

Ade ke cmtu…

I’ve f0und 0ut wats da name 0f the catering (AERO Catering)..:B

& da wedding was held @ H0tel 3K (K0mpleks Kemudahan Masyarakat)..

First thing,

Ak t’pegun ngn peLamin dia..

Wlaupun n0t s0 grand..

But it was beautiful, simple & nice…

Ak suke..ak suke..:B

The c0l0ur theme 0f the baju pengantin is Purple..

The bride was s0 beautiful..

But, xsempat nk snap picT di0rg c0z bz sgt..:(

Byk gile tapau makanan bw bLik..

Nasib di0rg baik hati..:B

Ada ns kuning (d0nt kn0w wats da name 0f da nasi..nasi minyak k0t),

ayam g0reng, daging kerutub, telur puyuh n pudding mangga..

btl2 nk mLantak la mLm neh..(tnggu r0omate ak bLik dl, nk mkn sm2..ak biasanya xsuke mkn s0rg2..xser0nok..but,s0metimes I have t0)

& pasal gaji..

Aisyah will msg me 2 tell b0ut dat later..

D0nt kn0w when…

S0,t0m0rr0w must w0rk again..

But n0t w0rk as t0day..

I’m w0rking 0ut my IS n assMENT..


Must sLeep early t0nite c0z ak kpenatan…

p/s--> y bitch d0 n0t d0 things

dat pLeasure us??..

(wuppss..s0ry 4 da w0rds..

Juz cant help it dis time)


oshinz said...

suke tgk pelamin cantek..

Mrs. Wahida (わひだ) said...'s beautiful kn..:)