
Feb 14, 2009

~5 thIngs...~

5 thinGs b0ut m3

5 person you love most
- Ma
- Abah
- Adik-adik
- Nenek
- my Mr.

5 things in my bag
- waLlet
- kunci rMh
- haNdph0ne
- perFume
- umbreLla

5 things you wish to have
- L0ts 0f MONEY
- new Lappy
- dGcam
- perodua VIVA
- apartment

5 countries you want to visit
- Jepun
- Korea
- …
- …
- ….

5 books in ur collection
- mjalah NUR
- novel karya Ramli Awang Mursyid
- my diary
- …
- ….

5 things in ur table
- Hospitality Managerial Accounting text b0ok
- Management Information System text b0ok
- mineral water
- my parent’s ph0t0
- m3 & my Mr.’s ph0t0

5 things you love about ur boy/girl
- kedekut
- baik
- cute miut
- .....
- ……

5 things you love about urself
- ak c0nfident en0ugh (sometimes)
- ak xhip0krit (always)
- I’m pretty (ahaks!!)
- ak penyayanG..
- ak baik…huhu

5 person you want to tag
- no 0ne…

Huhu..sekadar mengISi kb0sanan…

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