Happy anniversary my love, for our 4 years and 10 months
long-distance relationship. I love you, and will always love you more. So,
please, come ask for my hand in marriage. Will you?
Feb 29, 2012
Feb 28, 2012
Urghh! 8 March nanti will be a viva with my boss.
Basically she will ask about what we have learnt while doing clinical practice
there. So, I have to study. Even though I don’t know how much I will be stress
if can’t answer the question, but I have to study. ~_~
Feb 27, 2012
Feb 24, 2012
I was so confused, so worried, so nervous, so sad and so with all the negative feeling...
She doesn't seems to blessed us yet
and He doesn't seem so serious...........
and now, I terkapai-kapai seorang diri
Feb 23, 2012
Salon Haircuts Fringe
Dah bertahun-tahun I x pegi salon untuk potong rambut, last2 hari ni teringin pulak bila menemankan k.Fiza gunting rambut. Hari ni baru I dapat betul2 layered haircuts and side swept fringe. Last time I POTONG sendiri k. So, bila potong sendiri maksudnya memang bengkang bengkok entah kemana la jawabnye.
suke gile2 ok. mind me. ^_^
tapi kan, I betul2 nk fringe mcm ni
and mcm ni pun cantek
Semalam I tengok ceta jepun ni, agak touching la sbb laki tu ada sakit jantung.. Huhuhu, sedey.
Takuma, a boy who is told he will die before he’s 20, and Mayu, a girl who is in
love with him…
The story begins when they are little kids. Mayu, whose father is a doctor,
meets Takuma, who is hospitalized in her father’s workplace. They develop
feelings for each other, but Mayu learns of Takuma’s grave illness and that he
will die before he turns 20. The distraught children make one promise for an
uncertain future.
Time passes, and the girl becomes a young woman, and the boy, a young man.
Mayu continues to support and love Takuma. On the other hand, Takuma, who
knows his days are numbered, pushes away his feelings for Mayu and
distances himself from her. He cannot stand to see her cry or hurt her more
than he already has. Then Mayu meets another man who has feelings for her,
and Takuma meets a woman who has the same illness, and their feelings for
each other begin to waver.
Misunderstandings, unsaid thoughts, the frustrations and chagrin of youth…
What will become of their love while the clock keeps ticking away in Takuma’s
Feb 18, 2012
Paradise Kiss(Movie)
Yukari is a typical high-school student who listens to her parents and
attends school everyday. As she starts to question her way of life, she
encounters a group of fashion design students who has a clothing label
known as "Paradise Kiss". The group needs to find a model to showcase
their designs in an up-coming fashion show and decides to pick Yukari
instead. Initially, Yukari was reluctant to be associated with this
seemingly eccentric group, but eventually, she realises that they are
really nice people. Furthermore, their passion and enthusiasm to follow
their ideals and dreams make Yukari realise that she has not been
enjoying her life and this motivated her to pursue her own dreams.
Keiko Kitagawa sgt la menawan...kawaii!! ^_^
I've had a quarrel with my Mr.
Although I'm at fault, he always the one to give in and always the one to broach a reconciliation.
I feel guilty.
Feb 16, 2012
Annoying la
manusia biol!
xpuas hati apa lg ntah ngan I..
I just ignore dia je pun..
mls nk layan org mcm tu, lg layan lg buat I exasperated..
I xkesah pun U buat jahat ngan I!
dosa U, bukan I...
so ANNOYING lah!!!!!
Feb 15, 2012
Ano Hana
Anime yg paling best, sgt menyentuh perasaan sy and berderai2 airmata tatkala diri sendiri sedang stress.
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai
Five childhood friends grow apart after the death of Meiko Honma,
close playmate of them all. Jinta Yadomi, leader of the group when they
were kids, neglects high school and lives as a shut-in when he
unexpectedly starts seeing the ghost of Meiko, who can only interact
with him and no one else. She has returned to ask Jinta to fulfill the
forgotten wish she made as a kid.
Menma! kawaii
i leave ya all with Secret Base, OST Ano Hana played by Scandal!
(S0Ngz + Lyric),
(Useful info.)
Feb 14, 2012
Bagus betol..
kan bagus kalau.......
' syg, awk xyah keje la'
' awk nk bayarkn ptptn sy ek?'
'boleh je'
'wow! skrg jgk sy tulis resignation letter'
motif--> bila la hutang ni nk abes. nyesal plk b'hutang.
Feb 12, 2012
My P. Romly
Bila dah xde benda nak aim bulan 3 nanti. Rasa macam lambat je masa berjalan. Usually, my Mr. akan datang sini end of semester. Tapi, this sem xtau lg macam mana. I xnak la paksa2 and suruh dia lagi. I want him do dengan keinginan dia sendiri, without me asking. Macam tu baru la I rasa sangat2 dihargai. Hehehe. Daydream je kan. lol. 
Dulu time kat matrikulasi, I ada kenal one guy. Only msg and call, never met smpai skrg. I called him 'P. romly' and he called me 'ciput'. Walaupun dia ni gila2 cket, tapi I tau dia sgt baik.
p/s-->stil hoping that he's been planning something for my happiness~
Lunch with
2 hari ni saya asyik tido je. Bgn pagi, mandi, solat, online jup, then tido sampai pkul 10 pg. Then, bangun makan. Pkul 1 lebih start tido balik smpai pkul 3 ptg. Minggu depan dah xleh wat macam ni, sebab got assment to do.
lunch kelmarin..
lunch hari ni i masak sardin je mkn ngn nasi..
gara2 t'bau sardin smlm..^_^
Feb 11, 2012
Brian McKnight - Marry Your Daughter
Love this song. Untungnya kalau....^_^
Sir, I'm a bit nervous
About being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time.
See in this box is a ring for your oldest.
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
Cause very soon I'm hoping that I...
Can marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter
About being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time.
See in this box is a ring for your oldest.
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
Cause very soon I'm hoping that I...
Can marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter
She's been here every step
Since the day that we met
(I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left)
So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad
I've got most of my vows done so far
(So bring on the better or worse)
And 'til death do us part
There's no doubt in my mind
It's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart...
The first time I saw her
I swear I knew that I'd say I do
I swear I knew that I'd say I do
Dream Eater Merry
I baru habis tengok anime ni semalam. Sgt2 best, cuma mcm tergantung je ending dia sbb xceritakan tentang apa yg t'jadi pada Chaser John Doe & Pharos Hercules. *_*
Yumeji Fujiwara, a young male student like any other, gained the power
to see the aura of other people's dreams, and is able to predict what
kind of dream they will have next, after an event that occurred 10 years
ago. Since then, he started to have weird dreams with cats following
him for an unknown reason, where he learns thanks to the boss of the cat
army, John Doe, that his body is needed to access the real world. One
day, as he was about to come back home after his errands, a mysterious
girl falls on top of him. This girl, called Merry Nightmare, is actually
a dream demon (夢魔 muma?),
who's searching for a way to come back in her world. As Yumeji decides
to help her, the gate to the world of dreams opens again, this time in
full daylight. She appears in the daydream world and wards off the Dream
Demon "Chaser John Doe" looking for an answer to how to get back to her
world. It seems as if John Doe knows something about Merry. Meanwhile,
an evil dream demon named Pharos Hercules is leading other dream demons
to make humans into their vessels in order to raise an army, killing
those that oppose him which causes humans to lose sight of their goals
and ambitions.(Source)
Feb 8, 2012
Shift pagi
I lagi suka kalau keje shift petang. Masuk pukul 3.00ptg sampai 9.00mlm. Balik rumah terus bersiap2 untuk tidur. ^_^
sgt2 suke.
Klu morning shift, balik pukul 3.00ptg xleh nk tido ptg sbb mlm krg susah plk nk tido. hish.
itulah gerbang menuju ke flat Hutan.
For this week and another 4 weeks, I have morning shift and yang paling I x suka adalah keje dalam stor. Sangat2 xsuka. Time praktikal kat hospital dulu suka la dok kat stor sbb stor sgt besar. Skrg ni, klinik sgt chaos waktu pagi. Sgt2 bz. Hari ni the first day, I experienced kesibukan d'sebabkn terlampau ramai patient.
Bersedia la untuk hari esok. Cicicici
Feb 7, 2012
Feb 5, 2012
Feb 4, 2012
My breakfast
After having breakfast with salad this whole weeks, i've been realized that i cannot eat raw tomatoes. Rasa muak and nak muntah je dengan rasanya *_*. Last2, I only eat the green vegetables, tinggalkan tomato untuk dibuang. Membazir kan?
Lain pula dengan quacker oats. Mula2 try makan tu mmg rasa muak *_*, tapi bila dah kerap sangat makan, dah jadi sedap pulak. For quaker oats, I biasa makan ngan honey and raisins. ^_^
like this is fine..
-Google source-
Feb 1, 2012
Leisure Time
Leisure time la kan sebab hari ni i cuti.
Bangun pagi2, solat subuh, pastu b'sengkang mata tengok drama Jepun 'Seigi No Mikata'. Best ceta ni, its about 2 beradik pompuan. Kakak yang sangat evil, suka buli adik dia. Tapi, segala kejahatan yang dia buat mesti m'datangkn kebaikan pada org lain. Nice.
Seigi No Mikata
Pukul 2 lepas siap2 solat zohor, I went to Leisure Mall, ALONE ok. Lunch sorang2 kat Secret Recipe.
Cket pun I x rasa weird kuar sorg2, buku adalah teman yang paling baik bila kuar jalan2 kt Mall. Time nk makan, time tunggu meals siap, boleh la belek2 buku, xde la rasa janggal bila waiter asyik pandang2. Huh.
Lupa lak apa nama meal ni.
Something like 'Stewed Aussie Beef Steak' kot. ^_^
Pastu tengok wayang sorg2 ceta 'Journey 2: The Mysterious Island'. Agak best juga, tp lagi best klu tengok 3D. Naseb la dua2 seat sebelah i kosong, jadi sesuka hati la boleh letak barang n boleh duduk sesuka hati. >_<
Hari apa yg bleh guna student card eh.
i tny td, hari ni xleh plk. siot btol.
I sensitif sangat bila tengok cerita kisah anak dan ayah. Mesti nangis xabes2 bila sampai part sedih n kata2 yang menusuk ke jiwa. Macam ceta 'Real Steel' hari tu la, My Mr. gelabah bila tengok mata i merah after kuar dari panggung. *_*
For dinner lak, sebelum balik tadi takeaway Double Prosperity Burger. Mengidam pulak bila tengok adik i makan hari tu. Now, again bersendirian di dalam bilik. Keseorangan jugak tido malam ni. Hish.
Roti Bakar
Bangun pagi2 dah t'bau roti bakar. Heavennya bau. Roti bakar is my favourite, same as Wafel. Isk, isk. Sabar, sabar, -->tahan nafsu makanmu itu. Kite hanya boleh m'bau, xdapat merasa. Tiba2 rasa menyesal sebab xbawak pembakar roti yang berkulat x diguna kat rumah tu.
Ni yang rasa nk balik hujung minggu ni sbb nak amek benda alah tu. Sabar lg cikWahida, fikir dengan rasional k. Jangan ikutkan hawa nafsu makan tu. *_*
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