
Aug 31, 2010

Emotional Unstable 2

kadang-kadang sy rasa letih. Xtau letih kenapa. Sy selalu buat sesuatu dengan seikhlas hati sy. Dan sy cuba utk x terasa hati atau simpan pape dlm hati sy bila ada org wat sy luka. Sy respect sume org n i want that respect back. Tolong cuba hormat org lain juga. Please..

p/s-->gile xde mood nk pegi kelas sok..
ak redha je la ngn test minggu dpn..
bc stakat yg t'mampu..
i really can't when i really can't..

Aug 30, 2010

Cake : Budak-budak yang Comel : Mood Raya

I cannot concentrate on my study this whole week and also for the rest of next week. Semangat nak balik kampung tu dah sgt b'kobar2 and wat saya susah nk fokus. Bila dh t'ingat nak blik k'rumah k'sayangan yg t'cinta tu and saat2 m'ngemas rumah and also masak for the whole family. Oh my, bahagianya rasa.

Usually, i'm the only one yg suka buat biskut. My mom dh lama b'sara from baking lepas dia turunkan segala ilmu kepada anak sulung k'sayangan dia ni. So, saya la yang akan buat biskut, kek, puding d'bantu oleh budak2 kecik yg t'sangat comel tu.

FYI, malam raya adalah malam yg paling seronok n yg paling sy tunggu2 setiap tahun. Nak tidur pun rasa berat hati, sebab malam raya hanya ada 2 kali lam setahun which are mlm raya puasa and mlm raya haji. T'amat la suka bila dengar takbir Raya yg selalu d'ulang tayang kt tv. Rasa syahdu, tenang, aman, damai je.

Oh my, habislah test sy next week. I really can't concentrate. Dalam kelas pun still sibuk fikir pasal nk masak tu, masak ni, buat tu, buat ni.

Rasanya tempat ni patut buat cuti 2 minggu lebih awal utk raya Puasa. Jd, xde la org macam saya ni jd Chaos.

Aug 29, 2010

Breast Cancer : Melatonin = Sleeping with Lights On

Roommate sy blik kg, so t'paksa pksa dikTirah tdo b'sama. Hehe, penakut kn sy ni. Klu sy tdo sorang dh confirm tdo ngn lampu ON. From what i've read, tdo lam cerah ni sebenarnya xelok. Blh dpt breast cancer.

'Besides adjusting the timing of the clock, bright light has another effect. It directly inhibits the release of melatonin. That is why melatonin is sometimes called the "Dracula of hormones" - it only comes out in the dark. Even if the pineal gland is switched "on" by the clock, it will not produce melatonin unless the person is in a dimly lit environment. In addition to sunlight, artificial indoor lighting can be bright enough to prevent the release of melatonin.

The amount of melatonin released at night varies among individuals, but it is somewhat related to age. Children on average secrete more melatonin than adults, which decreases further with age. However, research has shown that older people with sleep problems do not always have lower melatonin levels than people who experience normal sleep.(utk kterangan lanjut,sila click d'cni --> melatonin+breast cancer)

comelnya dia..

Aug 28, 2010

The Ugly Truth

My Mr. always reminds me to ask or to get permission from my mom before planning or doing something. But I’m not usually does that. I think that I have matured enough for that. It is not that I’m not even tell my parent about what I plan or what I want to do. I don’t keep it as a secret from them. I will tell them even before or after I plan, I will tell. You know, one thing about me that I love to plan. Planning over something whether it happen to be or not. I didn’t care about that.

today, I have watched ‘The Ugly Truth’ which tells and gives me an idea of how men don’t like women who like to plan. Spontaneous should we b
e, aren’t we?nah! Not everything has to be spontaneous in life. But to get to know to each other, what they look like, how are they behave, spontaneous will take place.

p/s-->hoping that my plan will work out this time..real motives.


Aug 21, 2010


I think i really need Amoxapine or Bupropion or Trazodone now..
Rs depress gile bila kena jual balik tiket bas n t'paksa beli tiket bas tambahan gara2 D. pharmacy yg budus n tidak blh compromise langsung tu..
Ni la bahangnya klu blaja kt tempat ni, lain program,lain cuti n pharmacy school is the one yang cannot b'tolak ansur when it comes to budus..
cepat la 1 n half year b'lalu..i can't stand this anymore..isk*


Aug 14, 2010


28 minit lg sebelum berbuka. jd,mau b’celoteh dulu dekat cni smbil2 dengar lagu nasyid. Tenang cket rasa hati d’iringi lagu2 yang boleh m’nguatkan iman yang senipis kulit bawang ni. b'cakap tentang lagu nasyid, sy mmg jenis yang suka dengar lagu. kadang2, sy suka certain2 lagu tu d'sebabkan lirik @ muziknye. So, dalam kategori lagu2 nasyid ni, saya lebih sukakan lirik. I'm not the one yang obsess ngn the singer.

antara lagu2 nasyid yang saya suka adalah, Dia Kekasih Allah - Hijjaz, Permata yang Dicari - De' Hearty, Saat Lafaz Sakinah - Far East, InsyaAllah - Maher Zain. itu aje lagu yang selalu sy dengar bila cucuk earphone sony ericsson kt telinga ni d'samping zikir2 n selawat drpd kump. Hijjaz.

moh la kita dgr lagu2 nasyid..*

Cekgu Math yang garang


Dlm byk2 hari yang harus n mesti d'tempuhi in dis sem, sy paling suka hari khamis. Sbb sy akan blaja buat medicine for Dispensing subject. Sy kan suka m'masak, so sy anggapkan subjek ni adlh subjek memasak. For sure jd senanglah apa yang sy akan belajar AND plus the teacher is nice(i love to see his smile, so better not doing wat he didn't like, nnt dia m'letOp)..hehe..

Tp kan, dulu ms lam kelas memasak btl adlh yang paling sy xsuka. Sbbnya, Dr. H suka m'bebel n buat sy nervous je for the whole time. Adlh sy sgt tidak suka blaja lam k'nervous-an n k'takutan gara2 lecturer tu garang sgt.

Ms form 4 dl, sy t'paksa tukar skolah sbb cikgu Add math kt skolah lama tu garang gile n suka hantuk2 kepala student kt meja n tenyeh2 kepala diorang(naseb baek sy xpenah jd mangsa dia)

sy start fobia ngn cekgu2 garang ni ms year 6 lagi. Mmg la sy akui sy b'salah, tp sy btl2 xsengaja, n sy xrepeat pun k'salahan tu. Tp, smpai k final UPSR sy jd target mngsa cekgu garang tu(stil cekgu math jgk k). Actually k'salahan sy tu xde la besar sgt n i've never done it b4, tp tetiba je cekgu tu m'letoP n pulas2 perut(gile sakit ok for the 12 years old girl). Bukan setakat d'pulas2 perut, tp b'diri atas kerusi kot smpai kelas dia tamat.
Adoiya..smpai k'hari ni,sy xsuka blaja ngn cekgu2 garang. sy x blh n xkan penah boleh skor klu blaja ngn cekgu cmni. (mmg la i behave well, tp klu cekgu tu stil garang gak, m'amuk xtentu pasal, get lost sj la dr kelas dia)..

tp sy rs cekgu2 skrg dh xde yg berani nk hantuk2 n tenyeh2 kepala budak or pulas2 perut or cubit2 semut budak2 kn..

smpai k'skrg sy xpenah tegur or contact smula cekgu math year 6 tu. sy hormat dia as a teacher, as some1 yang dh curahkan ilmu kepada sy. but i definitely cannot.

(motif sebenar)
but please,
don't mix personal with work or study
(hancus nnt ok)


I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
You walked into my life
To stop my tears
Everything's easy now
I have you here

In a world without you
I would always hunger
All I need is your love to make me stronger

You love me
When you tell me that you love me

Aug 13, 2010

Balik Raya


gmbar xde kena mngena ngn dis post

hari ni dh masuk hari k'3 kita b' 2 mlm sy b'tarawih..xpegi 1 mlm gara2 nk cari tiket bas balik raya..adoiya,mmg tiket bas k'Kelantan dh hbis..cepat gila habis..agak2 bpe ribu la kelantanese kt kl neh..then t'paksa la sy beli tiket k'Kuala terengganu..t'paksa la lompat2 bas gara2 xnak balik ngn bas tambahan ataupun keretapi..

gile serik sy nk naik keretapi..1'st time sy balik ngn train ms sem 2,UiTM..blik ngn cikNor n puanInfazah..mmg lenguh2 bontot duduk,punya la lama..
bas tambahan pun sama blik mlm raya ms raya haji tahun lepas..smpai kg lam kul 10 pagi camtu, t'lepas sembahyang raya..xnk lg blik mlm raya..serik woo..

p/s-->dis sem blik 2 hari sebelum raya,
tu pun t'pksa naik bas lompat2..
t'lompat la sy nnt..

Aug 7, 2010


Aku cuba Berpaut
pada Keteguhanku..
pada Keberanianku..
dengan Kesayanganku..
Ingin sekali ku berdiri
di atas kaki sendiri..
Tanpa harap dan belas..
Di antara manusia ada ikatan
yang tak akan pernah putus..
Seperti mencencang air
di sungai yang tak pernah putus mengalir..
Walau dipukul ombak,
dilanda badai,
d'terbangkan angin..
Manusia saling memerlukan..[-,-]


i think i wanna do hula-hula..
24 hours non-stop..

mental skejap....

sile jgn kesah..
n ade ak kesah?????

like i care?

p/s-->smbil nyanyi Wakaka-kiok by Saket'eh..

Aug 1, 2010


yesterday pg klinik gg wif my girls to complete my treatment there..
so, gigi saya dh nampak ok skrg..
but, bgn pg td rs bengkak n b'denyut2 plk..
oh my..

after dat, we go watch Twilight-Eclipse..
best juga la 3'rd series ni..

kami balik hostel at about 4 pm..

i feel so blur..
nervous nk gtau my mom about my plan,
about what i hv already arrange..
tkut ma n pa will gonna be mad at me..
oh my...
doakan sy b'jaya gtau diorg..