Jul 30, 2010
Jul 24, 2010
When something is Complicated...
class timetable is so padat this sem..
sy xdpt nk tido siang pun skrg ni..
i'm really worry about pharmacology II
and Dispensing II..
feel that sy xleh tahan dengan memorize
resipi ubat yang banyak...
honestly,when i was in primary school..
i was afraid of memorizing..
though then, i only can score in math...
sy harus b'doa byk2 n b'usaha b'sungguh2..
hari ni, finally sy pergi jumpa dentist juga untuk buat RCT..
i have one more appointment to complete this treatment..
then,i go to GSC to watch 'Mantra' with the girls..
Jul 17, 2010
Story About This 2 Weeks..L.H.Y.K!
Khamis(1 July),
dekTirah msk tom yam n ayam masak merah..
so yummy!!
prepare nk pegi S.Alam..
2 budak tu blik kul 1 n tnggalkan sy sorang2..
kul 3 pm,gerak pg LRT Maluri..
meet my kazen there..
great!!!!!!!!he's not coming..
i was so upset n
i feel so ashamed..
dat evening,to make me feel good..
i ajak my kazen to go shopping at PKNS..
n kt ctulah,sy berhabis smpai RM400..
hohoho...puas ati..
ptg tu jgk beli tiket blik kg..
mlm tu pg i-city...
kul 8.30 pg b'tolak blik kg
dgn Sani bus...
My mom pick me up @ KB at about 6pm..
lupa la...
perang dunia ke-3..!!
bbq-ing the chicken tuk mkn ngn nasi kerabu biru..
so yummy!!
dat night,send dekAyen k' bus stop..
after dat singgah sekejap rmh arwah nenek..
temankn my mom pg HUSM..
lawat adik my aunt yg br lepas b'salin..
hajat ati nk tgk baby dia,tp xdpt..
perang dunia ke-3 tamat!!
can't recall back..
finally,kuar jgk sy..alone..
no company..
gara2 nk wat MyCard baru...
then,k'Pjabat POS tuk pos something to him..
Can't recall..
bgn pg2 msk megi gara2 my mom xmo msk..
last2 dia beli ns lemak..
hoho..lepas megi,ns lemak la plk..
tengahri tu,
making a pizza..
after goreng nasi n sidai pakaian..
sy b'blogging..
dis evening,
mybe pegi rmh aunt celebrate his son's besday
mybe staying at home..
kekeringan ngn kebosanan...
Tomorrow(18 July),
kul 8.30pg,btolak blik Cheras..
i didn't want to go there..
ma,pa..can i stop studying dis diploma in PHARMACY?
i wanna get a job wif my degree in FOODSERVICE MANAGEMENT?
can i? can i?
u need to pay back to KKM if u wanna stop..
it's not about the study i want to stop,
it's about the college that i don't like...
P/S-->rs cam sia2 je cuti 2 minggu ni tanpa buat apa2..
org len ad gak pg b'cuti..
but me..
all my plan is ruined..
i cry when no one sees me..
n i smile a lot when i'm around the people...
n it does help me hiding my frustration...:'(
Jul 11, 2010
good reason
sume yg b'laku,
must hv a good reason..
so, i took this as a challenge..
hope that sy boleh mengatasi segala cabaran ni..
i need and must be strong,
for me to comfort others........
Wonders Women!!
p/s--->bubbling again..
Jul 8, 2010
Jul 4, 2010
Jul 3, 2010
Oh, i really wish dat................
dh lama rasanya xupdate blog..
i've been bz wif exam n lappy pun dh makin nazak..
tp skrg is my 2 weeks holiday..
jd,dpt la sy b'suka ria senangkn hati,
tenangkan jiwa raga,
damaikan perasaan..
my plan is all ruined..
xtau la knp..mungkin ni bukan my luck..
so,better sy redha sj dengan ap yg akan b'laku..
i miss my mom and the kids...
rasa nk terbang balik pagi ni juga...:'(

i've been bz wif exam n lappy pun dh makin nazak..
tp skrg is my 2 weeks holiday..
jd,dpt la sy b'suka ria senangkn hati,
tenangkan jiwa raga,
damaikan perasaan..
my plan is all ruined..
xtau la knp..mungkin ni bukan my luck..
so,better sy redha sj dengan ap yg akan b'laku..
i miss my mom and the kids...
rasa nk terbang balik pagi ni juga...:'(

bdk lalat yg bleh terbang..:-p
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