May 27, 2009
jln2 n tgk org konvo..
temankan cikNor k' HEP..
then,t'masuk k' Galeri tu..
ak suka tgk bunge matahari neh..santek kn..:)

bestnye klu leh pkai bju neh..
santek giler n s0pan k..
dats da m0st important for me..hehe..

pas jln2 kmpus..ak n cikNor k sek.17..
beli tiket bLik kg..
mlm neh ok bas ak..
kul 8.30 mlm..
huhu..t'paksa tnggalkn my baby bLog for a while..
hua..tgah bln 6 neh kn dtg bLik cni..
byk lg brg nk punggah...
then,b'mula la k'hidupan br..
whether keje@tanam anggur@s2dy lg@
(oh no!xpenah t'setuju dek akalku..ahaks)
n0w,nk search n kmpul resipi byk2..
hoho..kata nk jd tukang masak..
kena la tau resipi..wakaka!
May 25, 2009
Tasik Shah Alam
snap pict while jog dis mornin' wif cikNor..
as a memories..:)
tmpat yg pling ak suka joggin' adlh cni..
Tasik S.A..

pulau kecil..ahaks..bak kata ak..:p
smlm ak xtdo smata2 nk jog..
tkut lewat bgn..
nk tdo pun,dh kul 4 lebih..
klu tdo kang..sure la...:B
xbaik nye anak dara..:p

besh kn klu b'kampung kt ctu..:)

xpenah masuk pun dlm neh..:??

si kura2 m'ngajar anaknye b'renang...:p

my m0m call tghr td..
call lak time ak ngah td0..
warghh..mmg kena bebel la skejap..
pastu bleh la puan mom ckp,
mom: asyik tdo je keje,baik bLik rmh tlong masak tuk adik2..
ak: aik???..ngn c0nfius..
urk,xpsl2 ak bLik lusa neh
n jd chef xb'tauliah kt rmh..huhu..
erm,puan m0m,bleh je long jd tkang msak..
tp tlong pasang streamyx kt rmh..
xpun beli br0adband..
can't live my baby bLog for a long period of time..
huhu..xm0 pisah..:(
May 24, 2009
May 23, 2009
wedding gift
my frenz are getting married dis 12 June..
wat shud i give them..
ak xpndai sgt bab2 neh..
adiah tuk diri sendiri ak tau la..hehe

set pinggan mangkuk

wedding blanket
baju baby
@ len2 lg..
hmm..give me an idea..
May 22, 2009
we (ak + cikTini + cikNor) went to fish aquarium
(lupa lak pe nm dat place..but it is beside da Wet World,S.A)

ikan neh men mata ngn ak lor..hakhak..
naseb bek xb'ubah hatiku,klu x ssh my Mr..hakhak..

dlm k'seronokn b'gmbr tu,t'jmpa plk my classm8 in Matriks..
sungguh x kusangka..hikhik..
dia ngn awek dia k0t..haha..kant0i..
pas tu ktorg hang out kt food court sek.2
mkn2 abc..
sodap woo..
tp lupa nk snap pict of dat..
ye la..kdg2 lupa @ rs mls jg nk snap pict..
dats y most people just use pict from google..
senang carik lorr..xyah susah2 nk snap,pastu transfer kt lappy lg..
byk koje,gunakn k'mudahan yg ada..
but xpenah lak ak say credit to google..
harap d'maafkn k..:p
lam ms nk tnggu bas rapid dtg jmput ktorg tu..
ak t'jmpa plk classm8 ms skolah rendah..
dia pun dok U neh gak,but br dis sem je kerap t'jmpa..
n hari neh br b'tegur sapa..
kerap tul jmpa kwn yg dh lama xjmpa ari tu..
a coincidence i guess..:)
May 21, 2009
Twilight and New Moon
Ucapanku untuk..~
yg ke-23 kpd cikNor..
semoga pnjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki..
smoga sntiasa d'kiss oleh Mr. kodok..
ahakss..ngee..jgn mare,den grau ajo la..:B
dan juga ak ucapkan
kepada adek ayen c0z b'jaya maintain ngn higher result..
along sentiasa d0akan kejayaan adik2 al0ng..
dan perkara yg pling m'gembirakan al0ng adalah dgn m'lihat kejayaan adik2 al0ng..
(wlaupun de a lil' bit jealous cket,here n there..:B)
but i feel ok wif dat..
May 18, 2009
sLeeping Beauty

i just be a sleeping beauty today..
naseb baek si Mr. xde krdit,
klu x ada yg nk kena mrh tgh tghri neh..
ari neh xde g mn2..
bgn2 je terus mandi,
pastu msk ns n greng telur masam manis(sedap lorr)..
pas mkn, tgk2 laptop then tdo blik..
bgn td,mandi lg..n terus la b'jaga smpai skrg n akn b'panjangan smpai kul 6 nnt..
pastu td0 blik..ahaks..wupss..cannot la..dh plan nk g jogging pg nnt..
itulah khidupanku ari neh..
May 17, 2009
Episod semalam..~
Tngahari kelmarin ak g rmh kazen ak kt sek.19
smpai2 je cikShidah suh ak greng mee..
so,jd la mee greng ak neh..ngehngeh..

pastu b0rak2 ngn cikShidah n men2 ngn si Fariz neh..

n malamnye pl ktorg ke pasar malam..
hehe..byk gile ak makan..xcmpur ngn jagung bkr n
kudap2an lg..
pastu ngah2 syiok donlod movie Coyote Ugly,
lam kul 3 a.m lebih la kot,
perut rs lapar la plk..
ak+cikShidah pun msk megi+milo ais..
sgt sedap..:B
& 1 more thing..
hp ak dh mkin rosak lor..
hr tu keypad,n now
penutup memory card lak t'cabut..
aiyoo..ssh ati tul..
time2 xde duit la die nk rosak..
siyot tull..:@

May 16, 2009
Selamat Hari Guru
cikWahida ingin m'ucapkan
pada semua insan yg b'gelar guru/cikgu..
jasamu sentiasa d'kenang..
wlaupun ak tdak m'ingati wajah2 kalian..
tp,ak ingin m'ngucapkan b'banyak terima kasih,
kerana tlh m'ngajarku m'ngenal a,b,c..1,2,3
yg m'jadi p'mulaan utk setiap p'bacaanku skrg..
jg kpd cikgu2 di SRKBJ(1),SMKBJ dan SMKZ(1)..
terima kasih ats segalanya..
May 15, 2009
Risau ngn hp ak..huhu..~
td g men bowling @ PAS ngn cikNor+cikTini..

then,mkn kt Big Mug..
nasi goreng ladna cikTini amat m'nyelerakan...

but see, kuew teow goreng ak mmg x'menyelerakan ak..

bwk blik rmh n ak renovate bLik nnt.. je bc artikel lam mjlah Nur smlm..
'Jgn m'cerca makanan',can't help it la,dh t'biasa..but ak kan usaha tuk change it..
from bad to good..Amin...
hp moto ak rosak la...
huhu..see dis..

keypad dia dh nk t'cabut..
huhu...tgh2 pokai pun dia leh wat hal..
May 14, 2009
dis meals again & again..~
cikWahida br je blik from havin' dinner @ sek.2
dis is my meals for tonite..
xpenah2 nk ubah,except for da beverages..
mula ak order jus tembikai..
mmg xsedap n xm'nyelerakn..
pastu + lg teh o ais..nyum!nyum! la kn..:B
May 13, 2009
Michelle Branch - Everywhere
Turn it inside out so I can see
The part of you that's drifting over me
And when I wake you're, you're never there
But when I sleep you're, you're everywhere
You're everywhere
Just tell me how I got this far
Just tell me why you're here and who you are
'Cause every time I look
You're never there
And every time I sleep
You're always there
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I recognize the way you make me feel
It's hard to think that
You might not be real
I sense it now, the water's getting deep
I try to wash the pain away from me
Away from me
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I am not alone
Whoa, oh, oooh, oh
And when I touch your hand
It's then I understand
The beauty that's within
It's now that we begin
You always light my way
I hope there never comes a day
No matter where I go
I always feel you so
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I close my eyes it's you I see
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
'Cause you're everywhere to me
And when I catch my breath
It's you I breathe
You're everything I know
That makes me believe
I'm not alone
You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me?