
Mar 31, 2009

Sumthin' musT be w0rk ouT...

Kelmarin de lawatan kelas
ke Pr0dua Rawang

tuk tgk employee feeding kt cna..

agak best juga la,

my cLasm8~

sajo nk letok..huhu..
can't c me eh..:B

ari neh de sumthin' yg harus d'lakukan..
s'Lain drpd m'mohon bas tuk
lawatan k'LSG SKY CHEFS on dis April..

nnt sj ku gtau..:B

Mar 28, 2009




Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you 'PROUD' of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away

Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line to try to turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself

By hurting you

p/S-->Currently,i'm emos

Mar 27, 2009


Kul 4 ptg td,ak kuar uruskan hal..

Alhamdulillah,sebahagian besar drpd
hal tu sudah pun d'selesaikan..
skrg just nk kn settle s'bahagian kecil hal
itu jer..

Semoga segala urusanku d'permudahkan..

After uruskan hal tu,
ak n cik Nor ke PKNS..
beli brg2 makan...
& tetiba lak rs nk mkn kuew teow sup..
apa lg,ak pun terus la M'beli bahan2 tuk masak..
inilah hasilnya..Yum!yum!!..
sedap woo cikWahida msak(sj nk eksyen..:B)

da way i Miss 'em.........

Tetiba je rindu my mom & my dad..
& my sibLings (dik yaya,dik ayen,dik epu,dik yah,dik Iqah
als0 dik qudus,eventhough kami jarang jumpa dia,
but he still my little brother..

hopes he n he's mom lam keadaan baik2 n chat)..

Ak rindu MEREKA!!!
rindu ngn senyuman ma n abah..
rindu everything b0ut them..

ni yg rs nk g beLi tiket n bLik kg s0k ni...:p)

m3 & m0m

m3 & si budak kecik

Mar 26, 2009

Jom menari..:p

D'sebabkn k'tidakHadiran m0od ak pd ari neh..
nk chill out lu ngn dis m0vie 'Step Up 2 - The Streets'..
ntah dh bpe puLuh kali ntah ak tgk ceta neh..
xpe la,tgk la lg..

ciao ciao...:B

m0od xde..

xde mende menarik yg leh

d'Ceritakan pd ari neh..
seLain drpd ak tuang kLas..
huahua(geLak de makna)..

btL2 xde m0od ari ni tuk wat apa2..

Mar 25, 2009

'ciLok' sengaja sbb sy suka..:B


mende neh ak t'ambil lam bLog

..maaf ye kakak c0z sy ambil tanpa izin..
tp,sy sgt2 amat2 sukakn ayat2 d'bwh..
ia m'gambarkn apa yg sy rs kini..


bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk cekik2 org2 itu
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk tarik2 rambut mereka
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk baling kerusi meja pinggan mangkuk sume kt mereka
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk sumpah seranah maki hamun pihak2 yg terlibat
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk lempar diorg sume ke laut
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk melakukan perbuatan khianat
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk jerit2 bagi satu donia tau yg org
mnyampah la tgok diorg
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa x puas ati yg amat sgt kt makhluk2 itu
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk hantuk2 kepala kt meja sbb over nyampah
bila rasa menyampah itu dtg
rasa cam nk....,ak xkan buat seperti apa yg t'tulis..
hny sekadar m'Luahkn perasaan..:(

tp,bl rs m'nyampah itu dtg..
rs nk..nk..

Mar 24, 2009

ciao ciao...:>

Nothing much happened t0day,
s0 n0thing much dat i can p0st t0day..:B

pasaL dat dinner (MPG)
my mom dh bg k'benaran
n nk bg sponsor...
s0,we'll c wat will happen 0n 4 ApriL neh..

& now,

i want 2 enj0y d0ing my assMent
whiLe watching movie 'St. Trinians'


Make us worthy, make us proud
Teach us not to be too loud
We'll try to fit in with the crowd
But we are St Trinian's

We can't fake the way we feel
We were born to keep it real
Hockey sticks and balls of steel
We are St Trinian's

You bite us, we'll bite you back
Better be scared when we attack
Feel the fear, we're maniacs
St Trinian's

Check out our battle cry
A song to terrify
No one can stand in our way

We are the best, so screw the rest
We do as we damn well please
Until the end
St Trinian's
Defenders of anarchy

So scan all the toffs, the neats and the freaks
Blackmail the goths, the slappers and the geeks
And if they complain, we'll do it all again
We do as we damn well please

The ASBOs, the chavs, the emos and their mates
To torment the slags, we offer special rates
And if they complain, we'll do it all again
Defenders of anarchy

We are the best, so screw the rest
We do as we damn well please
Until the end
St Trinian's
Defenders of anarchy

So scan all the toffs, the neats and the freaks
Blackmail the goths, the slappers and the geeks
And if they complain, we'll do it all again
We do as we damn well please

The ASBOs, the chavs, the emos and their mates
To torment the slags, we offer special rates
And if they complain, we'll do it all again
Defenders of anarchy

Check out our battle cry
A song to terrify
No one can stand in our way

We are the best, so screw the rest
We do as we damn well please
Until the end
St Trinian's
Defenders of anarchy

Victorious, rebellious
We do as we damn well please
Until the end
St Trinian's
Defenders of anarchy

Don't let the bastards get you down.

cia0 ciao..:p

Mar 23, 2009


K0rang rasa patut x ak pegi MPG(Majlis Pra Graduan)
yg b'Langsung pd 4 April neh
be held @ Hotel ????(xtau la)...
byr RM 50 je..
but theme-nya bLack&white
(means dat ak kn kuarkn duit LAK tuk beLi
pakaian yg b'temakn bLack&WHITE la)..

tp ak de beberapa msLh..

1. kewangan
2. xde m0od pun tuk g mende neh
3. byk research ak yg x progress lg
(s0,g mende neh m'bazir ms ak je la)


XYAH PEGI???????

Mar 22, 2009

Itu Dia...

Jika bulan berbicara tentang cinta,
ak tahu itu adalah dia..
Jika hati berbisik tentang rindu,
ak pasti itu adalah dia..
Jika ingatanku hanya pada seseorang,
ak yakin itu adalah dia..
Kerana dia yang telah mencuri hatiku...

p/s-> puisi ni ak br cipta tgh mLm smlm..
ntah knp tiba2 tgn rs nk menaip
puisi ni kt henfonku..
b4 ak save ke draftku,
smpat ak send it to my Mr.
then,xsmpai 2 minit,he repLy..
'i Love u so much'
br la ak leh t'td0 ngn amanNyer...

Hospitality Investment Game 2

Pg td bkn men semangat lg ak bgn awal2

tuk g ke fakulti..
ak kuar rmh lam kul 8 lebih, lepas kenyang
bekpes ngn burger..
men game td agak best gak la..
but,ak xmenang n dpt adiah pun..sedih2..
ak men,starting ngn 50 000,then end up with 400 000 lebih cmtu..
huhu..xsmpai 1 000 000 pun..
sedih cgt..c0z ak br je phm strategi tuk men saham neh
ms 2 pusingan terakhir..
s0,xdpt la m'bijak kn diri tuk dptkn adiah tu..
sedih t0L..
Peserta yg menang akn dpt adiah wang..
tp,ak xtau bpe..
ak xnak amek tau pun c0z ak xmenang..

Mar 21, 2009

Hospitality Investment Game

pg td kuL 8 a.M ,de aktiviti kt fkulti ak 'hospitality investment game'..
tp, ak sengaja bgn Lewat..
huhu..mLs sgt nk g..but @ last,ak t'pegi jgk akhirnya..
tu pun dkat ngn kuL 1 p.m,br ak smpai kt fkuLti..

tp,yg ak bengang sgt..sesampainya ak kt ctu,di0rg break pLk..
cam nk hantuk kepala sendiri kt dinding je...

Then,START blik kul 2 p.m...
Mula2 tu mmg la nmpak cam b0ring,c0z ak pun xphm nk men cmne..
but then,ak mula rs seronok la plk main jual beli saham neh.. reaL je...
kLu real,mesti lagi2 sgt2 seronok klu byk duit..
haha..msti ade yg m'Laung 'ak kaya,ak kaya'

Game neh b'sambung s0k lak..
can't wait for tomorrow..
it must b fun!!

(Pelik td bkn men liat lg nk g
tuk mende neh
..c0z kLu bkn d'sebabkn
men mende neh tuk dptkn carrymark sbjek
acc0unting ak,mmg ak xkn pg nyer..
@ last jd seronok lak..hmm)

Mar 20, 2009

sLeeping Beauty...huhuhu

S0 TIRED la t0day wlaupun br skerat ari je kuar uruskan haL...
wants 2 sLeep...

Mar 18, 2009

I'm Worried...

Sum1 or 2 dh wat ak xde m0od dis m0rning..
ak xsuka ckp ttg ‘kmungkinan yg my parent xsuka & halang hubungan ak ngn my Mr.
Juz bc0z he's fr0m Sabah & i'm fr0m Kelantan...
I really d0n’t like t0 talk b0ut it wif 0ther pe0pLe except myself n my Mr.

my m0m already kn0w b0ut dia xckp pape pun..
dats why I’m waiting myself t0 finish my study n get a j0b n then,
finally I can declare ab0ut dat t0 all my family,sedara-sedari,cucu cicit..

But rite n0w,
I really d0nt want t0 think b0ut dat..
Bc0z it makes me feel w0rry b0ut it..

Can sum1 give me opini0n b0ut dis??
@ Cadangan supaya my parent can accept him??
@ Apa yg ak perlu wat tuk wat my parent accept him???


Mar 16, 2009


Ptg td gr0up ak xsempat wat presentati0n..
i'm s0 frustrated....
xtenang lg td0 mLm neh...
ak sungguh keciwa..isk,ish..


tghr td, call n talk t0 my m0m..
dia ckp rmai kazen2 ak yg bLik..huhu..
mmg la, di0rg cekgu..mmg la cuti sk0lah minggu neh..
jeLes neh..
ari neh, mak sepupu ak kawin..
t'kilannye xdpt neng0k wedding dia..


mmg btL2 frust ak ari neh..

selamat pagi cinta

awal pagi kelmarin ak siap2 dh bgn..
then t'gesa2 k sudut pelajar fkulti tuk
surf tenet..
laju gile smpai ak yg
lam k'tensi0nan wat assMent pun
d0wnl0ad m0vie neh


sukenye..sgt2 suke..:B

(xhbis tgk pun lg..bZ)

skrg, rsnya dh xtd0 k0t ak pg neh..
c0z ptg krg de presentati0n..

wish me luck k...(hehe..ade k 0rg nk wish)
s0,pagi neh must struggle preparing for dat..
mlm krg i want 2 struggle 2 sleep

harap2 segalanya akan b'jalan lancar
segala urusanku d'permudahkn..


Mar 14, 2009

i need my m0m rite N0W..

i hate fake pe0pLe!!!



Lam kul 5.30 ptg td ak bLik fr0m keje..

ak hmpir2 mati kpenatan..:P

Ade ke cmtu…

I’ve f0und 0ut wats da name 0f the catering (AERO Catering)..:B

& da wedding was held @ H0tel 3K (K0mpleks Kemudahan Masyarakat)..

First thing,

Ak t’pegun ngn peLamin dia..

Wlaupun n0t s0 grand..

But it was beautiful, simple & nice…

Ak suke..ak suke..:B

The c0l0ur theme 0f the baju pengantin is Purple..

The bride was s0 beautiful..

But, xsempat nk snap picT di0rg c0z bz sgt..:(

Byk gile tapau makanan bw bLik..

Nasib di0rg baik hati..:B

Ada ns kuning (d0nt kn0w wats da name 0f da nasi..nasi minyak k0t),

ayam g0reng, daging kerutub, telur puyuh n pudding mangga..

btl2 nk mLantak la mLm neh..(tnggu r0omate ak bLik dl, nk mkn sm2..ak biasanya xsuke mkn s0rg2..xser0nok..but,s0metimes I have t0)

& pasal gaji..

Aisyah will msg me 2 tell b0ut dat later..

D0nt kn0w when…

S0,t0m0rr0w must w0rk again..

But n0t w0rk as t0day..

I’m w0rking 0ut my IS n assMENT..


Must sLeep early t0nite c0z ak kpenatan…

p/s--> y bitch d0 n0t d0 things

dat pLeasure us??..

(wuppss..s0ry 4 da w0rds..

Juz cant help it dis time)

Mar 13, 2009


Apa nk wat mLm ni yer..

Hmm..lg2 kite thinKin’…???

S0k,I’ve g0t t0 w0rk ngn catering melayu (xtau nama apa)..

4 weddinG functi0n(kuL 9 a.m- 5 p.m)..

H0pefully,xde la mLetihkn sgt (c0z after hbis keje,ak nk wat IS)


yeyey!!s0k dpt duit..

(dpt le ak t0pup hp & call my m0m n dad..miss them s0 much)

JALAN2 BL0G..wiiii..:)

YES!!!siap gak akhirnya...
N0w,ak nk JALAN2 BL0G jup..
then,g0 t0 sLeep wif peace 0f mind..
harap2 segalanya akan b'jalan lancar
dan segala urusanku d'permudahkn..

Mar 12, 2009

take h0me test

my dear demam mlm neh..
i d0nt wanna disturb him...
apa nak wat ek???
0h no!!
my take h0me test xsiap lg
s0k nk kena htr..
must Finish it first

Mar 11, 2009

ak nak....

rite now..ak btl2 nak!!

makan laksa yg my m0m wat (yum!yum!..sedap d'sebaLik
k'sedapaNnya,ada tragedi yg xdpt ak Lupakn)

new handbag (but not actually prada..mahal tuh..nk yg murah je,c0z beg ak
dh nk r0sak)

mkn home-made pizza (t'ingat lak kt cLas kitchen ngn Dr.H..ak ngn
Tini kn masak appetizer..huhu..& we made tuna pizza)

bc n0vel Twilight (hmm..bL nk dpt neh..'dear,bL la nk belikn..dh xsbr nk bc neh'..)

Brian Mcknight -- Back At One

It's undeniable
That we should be together
It's unbelievable
How I used to say
That I fall never
The basis is need to know
If you don't know
Just how I feel
Then let me show you now
That I'm for real
If all things in time
Time will reveal

You're like a dream come true
Just wanna be with you
Boy it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I start back at one

So incredible
The way things work themselves out
And all emotional
once you know what its all about, hey
And undesirable
For us to be apart
Never would have made it very far
Cause you know that you got the keys to my heart

You're like a dream come true
Just wanna be with you
Boy it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I start back at one

Say farewell to the dark of night
I see the coming of the sun
I feel like a little child
Whose life has just begun
You came and breathed new life
Into this lonely heart of mine
You threw out the life line
just in the nick of time

You're like a dream come true
Just wanna be with you
Boy it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I start back at one

P/S-->I Love u
onLy u i Love..
i'm br0ken bc0z 0f my 0wn faults..

Mar 9, 2009

my little lady

td,while i was sLeeping,
my Little lady call...
rindu bangat sey sama dia..

and the conversation is just like dis..

tiqah : long,bila long bLik(ngn suara bdk kecik dia yg cute tuh)..
ak : lmbat lg la long nk bLik adik
tiqah : hmm..ingatkn long nk bLik..
ak : abah ada?
adik : ada,tgh td0..
ak : ma?
tiqah : tgk tv..
ak : kak yah..
tiqah : ada neh..
ak : epuL?
tiqah : ntah dia..
ak : adik dpat no.5 btl k?
tiqah : xdpt lg la n0.cikgu xbg lg..
ak : ooo..dh mkn..
tiqah : dah..
ak : ok,la adik..long nk smbung td0 neh..
tiqah : 0k..l0ng,l0ng..
ak : pe dia adik?
tiqah : klu long bLik,beLi anak patung k adik neh..
ak : insyaAllah adik..
tiqah : hehe..ok..bye l0ng..
ak : assalamualaikum..
tiqah : waalaikummussalam...

p/s-->n dat was my little lady..
yg pLing ak sayang skali
wlaupun dia yg pLing nakal skali..:)