
Nov 29, 2008

~sTart w0rkiNG agAiN~

Today i start working again @ til' 3.30 P.M...hmm..

tu jer wat ari neh...gud nite..Wassalam..

Nov 28, 2008

~cream caramel cheese cake~

ari neh,after awake fr0m sLeep,ak 0nline jup...theN,after b'siap...ak & wani kuar k PKNS&PAS..first g cari dvd,then g pjabat p0s lak..huhu..

T0day,ak Lunch with


dinner with this...yum!yum!

Nov 27, 2008

~m3nGisi kB0SANAN~

1. Where were you 5hours ago?
kt ktiL…td0…huhu..

2. What song are you listening to right now?
Chris daughtry-what about now…….

3. What color is your phone?

4. Do you click on pop-ups?

5. How many phones do you have?

6. What was the first thing you thought this morning?
basUh sweater…..Ir0n bju ‘serving’ & bju bLik kg…0nLine..kemas ruMah…

7. What are you going to do tomorrow?
g Pejabat p0s…send s0methinG 4 my Mr.

8. What did you do yesterday?
g beLi tiKet bas bLik Kg…..g beLi sup(huhuhu..)

9. What's your favorite memory from highschool?
huh?????????...mLs nk ingat..sumerNye m’bencikn..

10. What are the last two digits of your phone number?

13. What was the last thing that you ate?
Mee Sedap & air MiLo………..

13. Who is the last girl/boy that you hug?
huh????????...ak hug my banTal bucuk jer..

14. What was the last movie you watched?
sTep up 2…….

15. What do you dislike at the moment?

16. What food are you craving?
keK tiramisu………

17. What did you dream last night?
Dh Luper r………..

18. What was the last TV show you watched?
xTgK tb..

19. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
xsuKe sgT la pkai jewelry neh…meRimaskan je…yg ak pkai stiap ms juz EARINGS jer…

20. How long does it take you to shower?
30-45 minutes…..huhuhu..:P

21. Do you always lock your door?

23. Are you on any medication?

24. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
tgh2..huahua…bLeh wat kuak lentang..

25. What color shirt are you wearing?
dark greEN…….

26. What is your favorite sweet treat?
kek TiramisU…….huhu..

27. How many Piercings/tattoo do you have?
sepasang Earings je…….

28. What's your favorite store?


30. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
My FamiLy…..mY Gramma…my Mr.

31. What was the last text you sent?

32. Do you care what people think about you?
tGk keAdaan la…s0metimes care,s0metimes d0Nt…..

33. Have you ever done something to make trouble?
I’m a Tr0ubLe maker……..huahuahua…..

34. Where do you wish you were right now?
Sabah…hehe…(pLace where my Mr. bel0ng)

35. What are you waiting for right now?
I’m n0t waiting 4 Anything rite N0w…………..

Nov 26, 2008

~tiKet Bas~

hohoho...ak dh g beLi tiket bs td..beshNye..xsbr nk bLik..

td..after ak g beLi tiket bs,ak k seksy.2 tuk beLi sup kt rest0ran sup anis utara..sekaLi duit xcukup da,segan giler ak...pastu ckp r kt cashier tu ak nk t0lak ns jer..but,nasib ak baek la c0z dia ckp xpe..ak xckup 80sen je..huhu..

pLajaran tuk ak pd ari neh,kLu nk kuar tu kn bwk duit Lebih x,setiap ms ak bwk duit ckup2 jer ngn apa yg ak nk bELi,dh la purse ak xbwK...segan sey...huhuhu...

Nov 25, 2008

~N0..pLEase D0nT~

kuL 2 lebih td ak kuar g pkns & pas...time nk bLik tu terasa letih & pening sesangat..adakah ini gejala yg ak akan demam...huhuhu..TIDAK!!!!!!!!!...ak xmo demam...not until 3rd n december...huhuhuuhuhuuhuhu.............


b0sanNye ari ingat nk kms rmh jup..huhu...pLan nk kuar belikn buah tuk wani,tp mata ak lak bengkak(c0z sedih tgk cite 'My Love Patzzi)...huhu..sadis..sadis..

b0hsanNyer jer lepas kms brg nk wat bLik kg,ak dh b0san bLik...huhu...gile btL r,tiket bas bLik kg pun ak xbeli lg..dh cbuk2 nk m'ngemas...harap2 tiket xabes lg...huhu...

Nov 24, 2008

~starting t0mm0r0w~

huhuhu..start s0k ak akn mula b0san..n ak akn b0san slma 4 hari b'turut2...huhu..then keje 3 ari..pastu ari tuk enj0y n then bLik kg...huhuhu...

ari neh ak g keje sens0rang,wani xikut c0z dia demam..ingat pg td nk cancel keje ari neh,tp en.H nk ak dtg c0z en.F s0rang je ari neh..pastu en.H ckp nk dtg jemput kt baiduri(save duit ak tuk tmbang bas..ngehngehngeh) tgh serve breakfast,ak t'serempak ngn To' Puan Z..then t'serve lak meja Prof.T ngn Dr.H..kerap tul t'jumpa ngn lecturer ak ari neh..pas keje en.H htr bLik..

pastu ak tgk hp..1 missed call fr0m my dad..ak call bLik..sebak gile rsNye td bl ckp ngn abah...huhuhu..ak rindu ngn family ak..huhuhu...nk bLik cpat2,tp duit yg ak kumpuL xcukup ag...huhuhu....(ma,abah...al0ng rindu..)

Nov 23, 2008

~ si bdK bLurrrr~

Ari neh ak rs...hmm...penat sgt.....d0k m'naip cmni bleh plak ak t'menangis...sbb rndu kt family k0t..t'utama bl dgr s0re bdk kecik tuh smlm..rndu tul ak kt dek iqah(perangai bdk kecik tu,punye la nakal,satu2nya adik ak yg slalu wat ak t'hibur bl ak d0k kt rmh)..

RNDUnye..xsbr nk bLik kg..

~b0SAnNyer ari neH~

90 quesTi0n B0Ut ursELF

Huhuhu…saje nk m’ngisi k’bosanan..:p


[01] Real name:
Nor Wahida Mat Nawi

[02] Nickname:

[03] Status:
I’m n0t s1ngLe……..

[04] Zodiac Sign:

[05] Gender:

[06] Age:

[07] High School:
SMKBJ & SMK Zainab (1)

[08] Collage
Faculty of Hotel & Tourism Management..

[09] Height:

[10] Weight:
53 kg…

[11] Do you like yourself:

[12] Piercings:

[13] Right or left:

[14] Are you a freak :

[15] Hair:

[16] Skin:
Ntah..c0kLat k0t..huhu

[17] Allergic:
xDe …Alhamdulillah...

[18] What are you doing now:

[19] What will you doing 1 hour later:


[20] What will you doing 10 years later:
pLanS 4 0thers wedding..


[21] Live with mother/father/parents/family:
FrienDS…in rmh sewa @ s.alam..

[22] Siblings(included you):
dek Yaya
dek Ayind
dek Epu
dek Yah

dek Ikah

dek Qudus

[23] Eldest:
ak le…

[24] Youngest:
dek Qudus

[25] Love/hate your family:


[41] Your first best friend:
my first best friend????????????????let me think……hmm…she is…Izanum...

[42] Your first enemy:
Never fight with pe0pLe la……..

[43] The friends you love the most:
izanum..eda..n0r…hmm..rmai le..

[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only):
n0 0ne….

[45] Your most beautiful girl friend:

[46] Your most handsome boy friend:
my Mr.

[47] The kind of girl you hate the most:

[48] The kind of boy you hate the most:

[49] You fall in love with your close friend before:

[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover:

[51] If your friend backstabbing you:
Dat’S her/his pr0Blem…

[52] If your friend betray you:
Dat’S her/his pr0Blem…

[53] If your friend woo your lover:
Dat’S their pr0blem…

[54] If your friends fall in love with you:
s0rRy..i’M in LOVE with s0me0ne else n0W…………

[55] If you fall in love with your best friend:
JusT tElL hiM…………


[56] Are you a good student?

[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments:
It’s my seCreT….

[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most:
xInGaT le……..

[59] Always late to school/college:

[60] Your class:
1 intan,2 intan,3 intan,4 intan,5 intan,6 intan…1A3,2A4,3A4,4 alfa,4 rajin,5 tekun…h2p3….hmb1fb-hmb6fb…….

[61] You love your seniors:

[62] Senior who you love the most:
n0 One………..

[63] Your classmates good/bad:

[64] Excellent result classmate:
Adline..terrer gile..

[65] Laziest classmate:
ak le…sape lg…huahuahua…


[66] Smart people:
independent pe0pLe………

[67] Stupid people?
wh0se said 0ther pe0pLe stupid…….

[68] Good looking people:
well behaved pe0pLe…

[69] Ugly people:

D0Nt kN0w..

[70] Funny people:
sukA waT LAWAk

[71] Cute people:
newb0rn baby…

[72] Bad people:
n0t well behaved…huahuahua

[73] Honest people:
baikNyer 0Rg tuh

[74] Acting people:

[75] You are what kind of people:
Blurrr 1…


[76] Lip or eyes:

[77] Hugs or kisses:


[78] Shorter or taller:

[79] Hesitant or spontaneous:

[80] Nice stomach or nice arms:

[81] Listener or talker:

[82] Romantic or rich:
Rich…huahuahua…m0neyListic t0l..

[83] Good wife or good mother
g0od in evErytHinG…….


[84] Age to get marry:

[85] Numbers of kid(s):
4…2 s0n & 2 daughter..huhuhu..

[86] Career:
WeDdINg ConsulTAnT…insyaALLAH..

[87] Salary:
byk lebihan dat I can d0nate t0 the 0rphanage……….insyaALLAH..

[88] Retirement age:
Bl ak btL2 dh XLARAt…….when?..d0nt kn0w…

[89] Properties value:
Bleh d’Gadai..huahua..

[90] Wishes:
G0t an excellent p0INTER 4 dis 2 semester…

Bec0me a successFul WeDDinG c0nsuLtanT…..


Nov 21, 2008


ari neh n0thing much happen...huhu..juz serve 4 breakfast..s0k tuk wedding functi0n @ dsi lak..caiyy0k al0ng...keje ngn ikhLas...huhu.....

bLik td..after bersihkn diri & s0Lat..ak terus ttd0 smpai kuL 7...mmg m'ngant0k bangat..huhu..ingatkn nk kuar g beli tiket tuk bLik kltn lena btl td0,xsedar ms dh b'lalu..huhu..mtk2 la tket 2 dec(besday ak tuh) byk ag...

Nov 20, 2008


Ari neh b'mulanya kisah ak as a part timer..hehe...nasib baek de uitmNyer mjlis k0nv0,xla ak t'mangu2 kt rmh sewa neh sens0rang diri ngn si wani...kisah ak b'part time neh b'mula pd ari neh smpai 1 dec...c0z 2 dec tu dh besday ak...huhu..xsbar rsnya nk smbut besday sengs0rang...n nk blik kg..rndu sgt kt family ak...L0VE THEM S0 MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part time ari neh b'kisarkn ttg c0nv0 yg b'mula pd ari ak t'serve meja yg de lecturer ak..mula2 tu 0k jer,but then ak jd malu bc0z............ak tjatuhkn soup spo0n dia time nk clear table..huhu..malunye den..huhu..ari neh,rs....xde la letih kaki ak rs cam dh sengal...bestNyer klu nenek yg urutkn.....nenek ak mmg pakar m'ngurut..
rindu kt nenek..:)

Nov 18, 2008


td after submit assment n dgr dr.H b'ceramah(dr.H mmg besh!)...
hehe...i'm s0 hepi t0day c0z dh release fr0m exam&assmenT...hehe..
ak & h0usemate k PAS tuk men b0wling(ak kalah teruk ngn h0usem8..huhu)..
n smpat gak ak g lukis inai kt tgn...hehe..
ni hasilnya-
hmm...dis thursday de part time kt dewan annex
(abah dh cbuk tny al0ng nk blik bl..abah rindu k0t..rindu kt abah gak..:B)
(ma lak g kursus kt Melaka..huhu..beshnye die leh jalan2)
huhu..caiy0ook al0ng!!!
keje ngn ikhlas..

n smpat gak ak t'beli smbungan k'3 n0vel kgemaran ak..
karya ramli awang mursyid..
Hijab Sang Pencinta..(0keh...mlm ni ak kn start s2dy n0vel ni lak..huahuahua)


Nov 17, 2008

~tag fr0m riana~

ni la w0rkstati0n ak...hee...b'sepah..malunye ak(nenek mmg pemalas btl)..
ni pict yg ak snap smlm..while study f0r t0day's exam..
yah0o..exam dh abes..
it's time 4 h0liday..but..(n0t really a h0liday..i think..hmm)..

Nov 15, 2008

p0sT with0uT tiTLe

pg td ak de exam...alhamdulillah..then just tnggal 2 subjek lg tuk ak btungkus lumus...huhu...letih bangat...huhuhu...(ma..al0ng dh xtahan lg...nk balik!..huhu)

Nov 12, 2008

update gak akhirnya

dh lama rasanya xupdate blog neh....huhu..lately,i've been bz with final exam...and Alhamdulillah,i've d0ne my best...h0pefully,will get a better result than da past...amin....

ak msh ingat kata2 s0rang kwn baik ak...
..'apabila kt mula ada rs benci pd sese0rang,kt haruslh pk pd sgala kbaikn pd 0rg tu yg bleh mgelakkn kt ada rs benci,n prejudis thadap 0rg tu'..lately,ak de rs xpuas hati ngn d'pk kn blik..xpatut btl ak rs cmtu..such a bad thing for a good woman like me...hehe...perasan tul nenek neh!huh!
InsyaAllah,ak akan baiki klemahan ak..